Burned Out?
People Pleaser?

This book is
for you.

“Me-time is selfish and time-wasting.”

“It’s easier to say yes to others than to myself.”

My work computer is part of my vacation luggage.

For many Christians, the concept of loving themselves sounds contrary to Jesus’ words: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross.” (Matthew 16:24 NIV)

Does “Love your neighbor as yourself” mean our earthly needs are as important as our service to others?

Each chapter of “Self-Care: Selfish or Sacred? An Interactive guide to Myths and Misunderstandings” looks at a myth about self-care, shares Susan’s personal struggle, and identifies misconceptions. Scriptural explanations, questions, and prayer prompts are included with blank spaces for interactive use.


The book’s easy-to-use format is conducive to personal or group study.

What readers have to say . . .

“This book has a strong message, infused with the word of God, and helpful to readers. I enjoyed the relatable stories about her struggles, spiritual foundation for self-care thinking, and the Self-Care Assessment found in the appendix.” — Ruth S.

“Christians who are eager to help others will find that this book has been written for them. I remember my own struggle in this area. I summed it up this way, ‘Who can argue that helping others is not good or that personal sacrifice is sometimes not Christian?’ Christians who struggle with a vague sense of guilt and unworthiness surely find relief, joy and understanding when their misunderstandings are cleared up and they learn how to recover balance in their lives and a way to assess future involvement helping people.” — Jim B.

“Readers will identify with Susan’s candid admissions as they ponder the difference between self-care and selfish ambition. The questions spark conversation whether digested personally or shared with friends. The research, the insights from fellow believers, and the truths of Scriptures will make you think. And the book will warm your heart. Read and enjoy.” — Mary S.

“Congratulations on a significant piece of work. Its great strengths are your frequent references to Scripture, our True North, and the fact that your insights came out of your own pain and struggles. Most of the Christian life requires the embracing of paradoxes. It is easy to push or be pushed to care only about one side. But just as you nicely illustrated Scriptures’ twins of Law and Gospel, we need to give ourselves permission to embrace both godly humility and godly pride..godly generosity and godly asset accumulation… care for others and self care.”
Pastor Mark Jeske

What Susan has to say . . .

Listen as Susan and Casting Nets Podcast discuss 10 myths Christians hold
about self-care and how we are called to take care of ourselves and others. 

See Sue’s Interview on PJNet TV

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