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The Deception of Greed (A Confession)

Greed steals time from genuine treasure:

Time with loved ones, worship and grace.

It becomes an anxious passion

Pushing us on an endless race.  

The deceiver thrills to see the people

Attracted to greed’s web and caught

Ignoring pain that coveting causes

Forgetting lessons contentment had taught.

Healthy bodies, minds and souls

Require God-provided care

Yet choosing to seek daily wants

Not needs, leaves thirsty spirits bare.

Life’s purpose is not to glean possessions

Fun or attractive they may be

If homes are full but hearts are empty

What prompts us to live unselfishly?

Jesus called the greedy, fools

With overflowing surplus barns,

Not concerned with life eternal

Ignoring what the Savior warns.

 I thought that greed did not concern me

‘I am content” I sang with pride

Greed was not a big temptation

Along with sins I attempted to hide.

Because of love, and perfect justice,

Jesus exposed my false beliefs

Opened my eyes with Word-vision

Offered forgiveness, granted relief.

The curse of sin stops not just heaven

But also stifles blessings here

Lord, daily tell me of your goodness

Open my heart to show you’re near.

Pictures courtesy of Pixabay